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  2. Subscribing to Community Solar

How do you calculate the amount of community solar credits I receive?

We use your historical monthly electricity usage to help calculate how many community solar credits should be allocated to you from the solar farm's total energy generation.

The amount of solar energy you receive is based on a couple of things, but we do all the hard work to figure that out for you!

First, we look at your historical electricity usage per month to know how much of the energy generated from the solar farm will be covering your electricity needs. That need is represented as a percentage of community solar farm’s production, which is around 0.5% of the farm on average.

Second, the amount of electricity the solar farm produces changes with the seasons. During the long, sunny days of the summer months, the solar farm is generating more electricity, so your 0.5% share will mean more solar credits on your summer electricity bills than you see on your winter bills.

Your community solar credits typically cover between 50-90% of your total monthly electricity usage, but the percentage will vary depending on your income level and specificd community solar agreement.

NOTE: We can’t see your monthly usage, so if something changes in your energy usage be sure to let us know via the Allocation Adjustment Form and we'll adjust it accordingly!